Welcome to Maass Media!

My goal for this blog is to share the music I listen to with as many people as possible.  If this is your first time here, all you need to know is that everyday I post good songs from different genres of music.  There is a list of genres on the left - clicking on a genre will lead you to a list of songs (with links to hear them) that I have posted on my blog. 

Any time you see a portion of text in brown that means it's a link.  If you want to leave a comment, click on the comment box at the bottom of the post you want to comment on.  Rock on!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

BLOG STEAL! The Keenan Takeover

Hey Maass Media,

It's Jon Keenan again. I'm takin over happy's blog hell yeah! I am gonna rock your mind with some good music you've probably never heard before! or maybe you have but this stuff is def worth hearing again.

Sex on fire by kings of leon
For those who don't know I work at my colleges radio station (88.9 Wlnx Lincoln, IL). I am the music director which basically at this point means i'm the person everybody goes to for everything.... but that also means i get the control the music at the station.... which means i just change the music to reflect the top forty... and alternative top 40 doesn't change much... There has only been two different number one songs in the last 17 weeks! the first was your gonna go far kid by the off spring and the current no 1 song is sex on fire by the kings of leon. I've heard this song everyday i've been at the station (aka a freaking lot) and i'm still not sick of it. Only by the night which has only been out for a couple months now is simply a fantastic album. Here is the number one alternative song in America! and the kings of leon's second single off only by the night use somebody.

Ulysses by Franz Ferdinand
I love this song. It's just awesome. Franz Ferdinand are definetly the best thing to come out of Scottland ever! Just listen and I'm sure you will agree. I know I'd take this song over haggis any day. This is another song I hear almost every day and don't get sick of. it's currently number 21 on the r&r alternative charts and is still climbing.

Sometime Around Midnight by The Airbourne Toxic Event
If you listen to this song you'll notice it's not particularly deep. It's just about a dude who sees an ex and misses her. mikel jollet's voice is emotive enough to make this song as epic as it is, and it doesn't hurt to be backed by musicians with degrees. check out sometime around midnight which is currently at number 11 on the r and r charts. It might be a simple song but it is absolutly fantastic.

Spaceman by the killers
How ever you feel about the killers you really need to hear this song! I completly understand if you don't like the killers, I don't. Hot Fuss was ok,but certainly not relavatory by any means. When I first heard somebody told me it didn't seem like anything dance punk bands in the U.k never did. And Sam's Town was a rediculous failure! A poorly executed concept that just fell completly flat and never struck a chord with me musically. Day and Age however is awesome despite the two albums that came before it. It's as hooky and fun as hot fuss and is way more imediate and grandiose then sam's town even tried to be.The killers are a band I have always seen as having potential and this album, particularly this song shows them capitalizing on that potential. Day and Age seems to be a happy medium of the sounds they brought forth in their last two albums and it makes for some toe tapping and thought pervoking music. The killers currently have two songs on the r&r charts Spaceman is at number twenty and human is number twenty two.

holy cow that is a lot to read! thanks for sticking with it guys I hope you enjoyed the music. And I will leave you with one last tidbit of awesomness. We actually played this song on air at the station. yah I know but the company that we get music from sent it to us so we thought it would be good...lets just say the station manager and staff advisor for the station told us to turn it off after playing it for a minute.... Yes this is an actually band and the have an album out in early feb....let me introduce to you the lonely island with jizz in my pants!


Eric Myers said...

Scotch whisky is the best thing to come out of Scotland...

jon keenan said...

oh yeah... hahaha i tottally forgot about the booze dude