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My goal for this blog is to share the music I listen to with as many people as possible.  If this is your first time here, all you need to know is that everyday I post good songs from different genres of music.  There is a list of genres on the left - clicking on a genre will lead you to a list of songs (with links to hear them) that I have posted on my blog. 

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jimi far away on Yazgur's Farm, or close up in a dingy nighclub?

Even though I had a ride to Woodstock, I backed out because I really didn't have the money to sustain myself there. And my folks didn't have the resources to bail me out if I got stranded or busted. For starters, do you think my dad was going to let me use his lime-green Buick LeSabre to Woodstock? How else would he get to his factory job? Yeah. Once upon a time, there were one-car families.

My consolation is that I saw Jimi Hendrix in concert in February 1968 in a small, seedy nightclub called "The Scene." But the question remains: Am I suffering in a purple haze, or suffering from purple sour grapes? (Speaking of purple, there was a band called Moby Grape.)

Join the million or so people who have watched/listened to Jimi on Yazgur's Farm, doing "Purple Haze."

I still don't know how to drop in a live URL...but anyway, after you laugh at me, read about Max Yazgur, who let this huge party HAPPEN on his expansive farmland yard...

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