Welcome to Maass Media!

My goal for this blog is to share the music I listen to with as many people as possible.  If this is your first time here, all you need to know is that everyday I post good songs from different genres of music.  There is a list of genres on the left - clicking on a genre will lead you to a list of songs (with links to hear them) that I have posted on my blog. 

Any time you see a portion of text in brown that means it's a link.  If you want to leave a comment, click on the comment box at the bottom of the post you want to comment on.  Rock on!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ah, the Sweet Sounds of Childhood

Here's to all you guys and girls raised in the 90's, the best decade ever. For the next 7 days, I'll be featuring some great songs that we all remember from when we were young(er).

Also, I put up a poll on the left column asking which N64 game was the best. If you select 'other', please leave a comment in a post (any post) saying which game it was.

I'm sure many of you have played the Original Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. You know, the game title without any numbers after it. Aren't they on like Tony Hawk 10 now? This series reminds me so much of NOW That's What I Call Music! since they keep pumping out new ones every 8 months.  Anywho, if you're like me, you loved The Warehouse.  And what better song was there to skate to in the Warehouse than Superman by Goldfinger.

Ahh memories.



Anonymous said...

Happy, you are my god right now!! i'v been looking for this song for atleaest 5 years!
thank you very much!

Ryan Kaplan said...

Super Mario 64 is the best N64 game. Maybe the greatest game ever.

Unknown said...

This has been my favorite song since my brother showed me it. I grew up on this kind of music and it's nice to see someone else did too. Goldfinger & The Suicide Machines are my old school favorites.