Welcome to Maass Media!

My goal for this blog is to share the music I listen to with as many people as possible.  If this is your first time here, all you need to know is that everyday I post good songs from different genres of music.  There is a list of genres on the left - clicking on a genre will lead you to a list of songs (with links to hear them) that I have posted on my blog. 

Any time you see a portion of text in brown that means it's a link.  If you want to leave a comment, click on the comment box at the bottom of the post you want to comment on.  Rock on!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Variety of Clips E Asian Culture, Confucianism, etc.

CPD Educational Video: East Asian Culture

Dao shall not name da Dao or it ceases to be da Dao...

Welcome to China!!

Things Europeans Never Invented: Ancient Chinese Invetions


Huston Smith explains the 5 Relationships in Confucianism

The answer provided by Huston Smith to the above first part

Do Business in Asia

Western-Chinese Business: You May Be in Deeper than you think

Western -Chinese Business: Why Westerners Just Don't Get It

Asian Business Culture: Etiquette and Politeness

Doing Business in China: The meeting

Western-Chinese Business: Contracts, Cultural Differences

Do not try this at home--or anywhere! Jackie Chan breaks all barriers by doing his own stunts...and breaks his back and other vital organs in the process. How does he manage to get up and do another movie?

For your listening enjoyment!

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