Welcome to Maass Media!

My goal for this blog is to share the music I listen to with as many people as possible.  If this is your first time here, all you need to know is that everyday I post good songs from different genres of music.  There is a list of genres on the left - clicking on a genre will lead you to a list of songs (with links to hear them) that I have posted on my blog. 

Any time you see a portion of text in brown that means it's a link.  If you want to leave a comment, click on the comment box at the bottom of the post you want to comment on.  Rock on!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Out of Space, Out of Mind

My Tuesdays are rough.  Class from 11-5:20 with only an hour break, followed by volunteer work until 8. Eech.  At least for my volunteer work I'm running science experiments for 10 year-olds.  Alas, it's called Project Esteem and not Professor Happy's Science Extravaganza.
Seeing as I have Astronomy Lab today, I feel some space news is in order. If you haven't heard, Jupiter recently caught a comet in its orbit.  You can read more about it here.  There are also talks of building the worlds largest telescope in, you guessed it, Antarctica.
Due to time constrictions, this post is going to be pretty short.  You have my sincerest apologies.  Seeing as Muse just dropped their new album today, The Resistance, a Muse song about space seems appropriate.  I'm glad you to see agree with me.  Here's a classic Muse piece, Space Dementia, from their greatest album IMO Origin of Symmetry.  For any fans of Final Fantasy, this video I found is an excellent black and white montage with scenes from many of the series newer titles.

When the video finishes, be sure to check out the music video for the song "New Born".  It's on the right side of the video bar.  Best Muse song, ever.


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